Jessup Cellars – Locals Trivia Night Every Wednesday!
~ Challenge your mind and satiate your thirsty mid-week palate ~

Come join us every Wednesday night of the month at Jessup Cellars for our locals trivia night! Experience a fun and educational night with wine starting at 6pm. We will extend the wine club discount to locals on all bottle purchases to enjoy during trivia or to take home.
RULES: Teams can consist of up to 4 people. Categories will change weekly – from wine knowledge, to art and music, to all things pop culture – look to social media for updates! First team to lift hand answers first. Right answer gets 2 points and chooses the next category. Wrong answer gets -1 and next question. First to 20 points wins. If a tie occurs at the end of play we will go into the lightning rounds. Winning team receives double the wine club discount and a VIP wine & cheese pairing!
So come have some wine with us and your friends at Jessup Cellars.
See you there! ~ The Jessup Cellars Team

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