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How You Can Use Emotional Triggers to Hook Your Subscribers

Use These 7 Emotional Triggers to Hook Your Subscribers


We’ve all received email newsletters.  We’ll discuss why some of the most successful ones have large numbers of subscribers.  How do they set themselves apart and achieve success.

I’ve never felt that accepting an average engagement rate has been acceptable.  When it comes to improving opening and click through rates, it’s emotional triggers that are the secret to any successful email campaign.  

Engaging visitors through their emotions through email is an art that can be difficult to master.  Enjoy the journey as you learn what it takes to elicit feelings that lead to conversions.  Let’s examine the most important point first.


Lay Your Foundation with a Goal in Mind


Before you can decide which emotional triggers to use, you must establish the purpose of the email campaign.  Are you nurturing leads, building customer relationships, or promoting sales?

The reason for the campaign makes a difference.  Once you know what your email campaigns goal is, you can make a decision about which emotion to provoke.


Let’s Examine some of the Common Goals for Email Campaigns


We all have different circumstances and goals.  Here are some examples of professional email marketing goals:

  • Develop and deliver relevant content.
  • Drive additional traffic to your website.
  • Increase your sales conversions and/or revenue.
  • Boost your email engagement metrics.
  • Grow and retain your subscriber list.
  • Integrate email with your other marketing.
  • Increase lead generation.
  • Build your brand awareness and reputation.
  • Nurture prospects effectively.
  • Segment your email database.
  • Achieve or increase return on investment from your email efforts.
  • Improve email deliverability and inbox access rates.
  • Expand your testing and optimization practices.
  • Improve your database health.
  • Qualify your leads.
  • Integrate email data with customer management software.



What Emotions Do My Emails Trigger?


After you’ve determined the goal for your email campaign, you need to choose from the seven basic emotions that drive conversions:

  • Belonging: Make your reader feel like part of something bigger.
  • Hope: Create a sense of expectation for a specific outcome.
  • Guilt: Help reader’s understand their opportunity to make something right.
  • Vanity: Praise your reader about their intelligence or decision-making.
  • Fear: Inform the reader that no action will place them in danger.
  • Lust: Create desire in your reader’s, provide a strong incentive for them.
  • Greed: Appeal to the reader’s desire for wealth or power.


Choose one of these emotions and make the effort to promote it before you ask your reader to take action.


Develop Your Email Campaign Structure


When developing your email campaign, it’s best to follow a general outline.  Each email should include personalized details, a problem, an emotional trigger, a solution, and a call to action.


Employ Personalized Details


Using email marketing tools like MailChimp, HubSpot, or others, you can choose personalization tokens from any contact information in your database.  Personalized emails generate 600 percent higher CTRs.

Consumers like to feel they’re having a conversation, not just being spoken to.  Personalized emails help create this feeling.

Using your reader’s name in the email body text is common.  I sometimes also use the reader’s company name, month of birth, city of residence, and more.  Be creative, however ensure that what you do makes sense if the reader hasn’t given you all of their information.


Solve a Real World Problem


To be a problem solver, you have to address an issue that your reader has.  In each email I write, I state a real-world problem that can be resolved with the information being presented.  It’s all about helping your readers and providing valuable solutions to help them resolve their issues.


Choose an Emotional Trigger


After stating the problem, it’s time to choose one of the seven emotions that trigger conversions.  You need to get inside the mind of your reader.  Imagine how you would feel if you were reading this message for the first time.  When I can actually make myself feel a converting emotion, I know that I have fine-tuned my trigger.


Embrace a Solution to Your Problem


When a target emotion has been initiated, write your solution to the problem that has just been stated.   This needs to be done quickly because the most important piece comes next.


Your Call to Action


Your call to action (CTA) provides your reader with a sense of what to do next.  You can expect a click-through rate between two and 10 percent.  Including a link and CTA more than once in the email body will help increase the odds that your reader will actually click.


Write An Engaging Email Subject Line


Your subject line is the first part of your email that a reader will see, and I write this last.  After you know the content of your email you can write a relevant, clickable subject line.

Because it removes the guesswork, I use to test headlines before I decide upon the best one for my needs.  Choosing a headline that falls above 90 percent on this scale makes emails more likely to be opened.  The SubjectLine tool even gives advice, helping you perfect your subject lines when they still need editing.


Develop Your Email Writing Process


I choose to write my emails myself, wanting to learn what works and what doesn’t the hard way.  If you are not a confident writer and could use some help, hiring a copywriter on websites like UpworkFreelancer, and Essay Writer Pro is an option.

After you’ve practiced your writing craft for some time, you may choose to write the emails yourself.  Seek help if you need it.

These are the seven emotional triggers that lead to email conversions and how to execute them effectively.  Study this information, and try this out with your next email campaign.  Compare the open rates and click-throughs of the emails you were sending out before compared to the ones you’re about to send.

Also pay attention to the email lists you’re subscribed to, including the emails you don’t read.  What made you want to take action, and what made you want to pass over without engaging?  You will learn more through hands-on experience than anything else.


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