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21 Ways Social Media Makes Your Business Better P

21 Ways Social Media Makes Your Business Better P

How can Social Media Benefit Your Business?   Consider that there are now more than 3 billion using social networks across the globe.  And Social Media is their preferred method to engage with brands. It’ not surprising that Sherpa Marketing found that more...
4 SEO Tactics That Will Damage Your Brand’s Reputation P

4 SEO Tactics That Will Damage Your Brand’s Reputation P

4 SEO Tactics That Damage Your Brand’s Reputation              From a marketing perspective, you’ve got to feel at least a little sorry for the utter devastation of Seaworlds’ sterling brand.  For decades, its parks were a fun, wholesome place to take the family....
Name Ten Reasons That Your Customers Do Business With You

Name Ten Reasons That Your Customers Do Business With You

Can You Give Me Ten Reasons to do Business With You?   It’s a very valid question that you should ask yourself.  Can you give me ten reasons I should do business with you or your company?  I’m talking about good reasons that have substance and are unique....
Your Brand’s Authenticity Must be Unscripted and Genuine

Your Brand’s Authenticity Must be Unscripted and Genuine

You Can’t Script Authenticity in Your UX   Your Authenticity is Customer Focused   It’s easy to know when you are dealing with a customer servicerepresentative who is less than sincere.  They lack authenticity which goes hand in hand with their insincerity....
3 Types of Customers Who Will RAVE About Your Business

3 Types of Customers Who Will RAVE About Your Business

3 Types of Customers Will Talk About Your Business, While 1 Type Never Will   Have you ever wondered why some companies consistently earn free publicity from customers who gush about them?  While many brands exist in relative obscurity wishing that they would be...

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